Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The honour...

I am real glad to be able to have the honour to give the opening for this new blog which Chang Xiang, Shan An, Desmond and me have put up. Apart from my own personal blog, I'll also be blogging here. So will the rest. I think I might want to change my style of typing over here as it does get a little boring typing the same way twice. What I will change to? I myself do not know it yet. So I suppose you guys have to tune in regularly to find out.

What we are doing here is called a blogging community. It is open for anyone to join. We gladly welcome you with open arms. Before you do, make sure you are a member of blogger and put your e-mail address that is registered with blogger.

The irony about this blogger community we have is that we are suppose to have a focus of interest to blog about. However, our focus of interest is to blog about anything under the sun. Ironic isn't it? Hahaha! It kind of coincides with our url, senseless logic. It is an oxymoron if you guys did notice it.

I think we should have rules when it comes to blogging here. As chinese says, guo you guo fa, jia you jia gui. It literally means that every countries has it own laws and every home has its own house rules. So I guess we should have blog rules. However, I am a little pressed for time and thus I shall spare you all by publishing the rules next time.

Before I end, I want to thank Shan An and Chang Xiang who made this idea possible for me.

One rule I would like to start with though, everyone who blogs in here, please end the post with an oxymoron please. Thank you! I shall start the ball rolling.

Blindly Stared


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