Friday, July 29, 2005

Welcome to Meaningful Oxymorons!

Welcome to, one of the most perfect blogging community ever. Since nothing is perfect, this blog is nothing. Think that this is a welcome/splash page? Sorry to disappoint, this is actually an entry that briefly introduces myself.

By the way.... ( No, Johann Faust was not the last person from the Administrative Committee to post.. but me! )

Hi, my name is Desmond. ( Hold your breath, and read the next line... go! )
I'm forgetful and a free thinker and the only child in my family and soft-hearted and an anti-smoker and single and a lousy liar and extremely careless and cheerful and optimistic and against wet weathers and a Digital Media Design student and a Chinese and definitely very senseless sometimes ( For example, now. ).

I use a lot of brackets when writing. ( It can get irritating sometimes. ) [ I hate irritants, and yet I irritate people unknowingly. ] { You see what I mean? }

From the examples above, you see three different brackets used. Three of them carry three different information that somehow relate to each other. I put them in brackets because I personally don't find them appropriate without brackets.

Uhhh.. whatever. I believe that the short introduction above is not enough for you, right? So young pretty girls out there who are interested to know more about me, feel free to add me in your MSN Messenger at and visit my blog to know more about me! Interact with me! Play with me! =P

*someone asks 'what about the rest who are not young, not pretty and are not girls?'*

Umm.... uhhh.. just add me anyway. =X

Dying to live


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