Monday, October 10, 2005

Never Listen to a Burning Bush~

Alright, its been pretty dead and Im not about to heap a chunk of heavy stuff on everyone ~ lest I get the reputation of being one to churn out lecture after lecture. Lets just talk crap today- sounds good? ^_^

You know what's crap? Living with the potential that someone might spot something unlawful in your blog and put you in jail is crap. Blogging trash about your teachers which in turn can get you out of school is crap. Hyping up the new JC experience only to tell us it is only going to be implemented in 2006 is crap. Oops, the last part was my own entry (Forget it, that is an order)

First I am not sheltering them, my goodness, racist remarks in Singapore! Its like moving a jumbo-jet in a no fly zone (Umm im not sure if you can do that but it sounded logical~ don't shoot me down if it's wrong, this is crap remember?), driving a monster truck in a picycle park (ok that was way off) or aiming a obviously loaded pistol to your head. Simple terms? Its social suicide in racially harmonous Singapore.

Then again you can't help but have a wee bit of sympathy for those guys, and of course, watching what you type under the "invincible" cover of the "anonymous". As far as I know, I'll be watching my tongue~ I mean fingers when i let my blog do the talking. Got to toe, or thumb the line.

If you've ever made someone take the rap for something you did here's a nifty question for you. Who can you pin all he blame onfor soemthing horrendous you did without worrying about it backfiring?(ok it isnt exactly backfiring, you'll see in a while) The answer? Ask our "beloved" superpower world leader George the monkey W.Bush Still no idea what I'm talking about, go read the papers or run a search, its an OUTRAGE. Let me quote this "great man of religion" kudos to BBC UK

President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"

Do you believe it? Go read it again, the world is in an uproar (i infer) This man, blames says he was sent to do all this by God! The ultimate backing cushion, the great one no one can question. God. And now, I guess they have realised the potential for that statement ot backfire. The world will either hail him as some hero (highly unlikely) or like whats happening know, flame them like a Burger King Whopper pattie.

Now in a bid to rectify the situation (I think), a new report is in
The White House has dismissed as "absurd" allegations made in a BBC TV series that President Bush claimed God told him to invade Iraq. "He's never made such comments," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. Once again, credit goes to BBC UK. To put in cadidly, let me quote a friend of mine- "I is speechless"

Maybe George wil get if off easy, like wandering in a desert for 40 years like moses did. Listen to a talking bush indeed. (read the bible)

God bless America, we love the ridiculous entertainment your good work.

Suburban Cities


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