Friday, July 29, 2005

I never did introduce myself...

In actual fact, both Johann Faust and Desmond are wrong about being the last of the administrative members to introduce themselves. I am the last! -Smug- Hahahahaha! If you didn't notice otherwise, I have not introduced myself at all. All I did was to put up the first post and the rules. So whine all you want but I am gonna still be the last! (I am wondering why we are so obessed about being the last?) Faust, I think you better leave that kick for yourself. I am in no hurry needing it.

Let's not digress any furthur.

Just setting up this blog alone tells you what kind of a guy I am. Senseless? I suppose you could say that. Talking about being senseless, isn't it senseless to actually blog sense on a senseless blog? Lol~ Talk about being oxymoronic. Sense is not something which can be attained through studying but through being senseless. Now tell me, all of you want to be senseless too. So how senseless must we be before we actually start to make sense?

Easy. Did the above paragraph make any sense? Now you get the idea of what kind of a guy I am.

I am currently studying in NYP, persuing for the Diploma In Business Management. I would say that I have lived rather a full life.(Not literally Faust.) I am the kind to take things easy and slowly. I am a thinker, but not a doer. Unlike Faust, who constanly does things... to people that is. That is why I am always "The Thinker" in group projects.

Another thing, I seem to have an unlimited amount of patience. It never seem to run out. Perhaps that is why I usually take things easy. I have so much patience that I actually enjoy sitting down doing nothing and looking at time pass. Might I add that I am a happy go lucky person?

My writing once sucked because I used tons of ellipsis. (For those who do not know what ellipsis are, they are commonly known as suspension points.)[For those who still do not know what suspension points are, they are ... Yes! ... That is called an ellipsis] Can you imagine reading a blog entry with ellipsis on every single sentence? It is not only grammatically wrong but also irritating... Yes! That irritating... It's almost as irritating as Desmond's brackets... It was not long after I found out that my fingers were just so accustomed to typing the ellipsis whenever I end a sentence... I have rectified the mistake but it still affects my chatting on msn...

Irritating isn't it? I guessed so. From all the introduction of the administrative members, I am sure you can tell we do not think like normal people. We are actually better than normal. Abnormal! Hahaha!

Some may ask, why the need to bother about grammar and punctuation when blogging?

To say the truth, it is actually my personal interest. I like the language English. Besides, it is the only subject I scored the highest among all my other subjects during secondary school life. Apart from the English language, I have also taken an interest in Bahasa Indonesia. For the last time, I did not like the language because my ex was an indonesian! So quit bugging me about it.

This was suppose to be a short introduction wasn't it? But what to do when I have so many good things to talk about myself?

Other than language and acadamically wise, I am also blessed with senseless knowedge. Who would be interested in sex actually? That part of me I would really conseder weird. Lots of girls hate guys who think about sex all day long. It's surprising that I have girlfriends. Throughout the years in secondary school, I have learned alot about it. Now I am blessed with a wide knowledge of it. Hahaha! Wonder if saying this would make the girls shun me in future? Well, accept it cos it's part of me.

There is much more about me that you will gradually find out through this blog. I intend to keep the other traits of myself a secret and let you people find out. So I guess there is a lot of inference you can do with my entries.

P.S: I will be leaving Singapore for a diving trip and will only be back by Sunday. I am currently on a diving course. Hopefully I get my diving liscence soon. I'll end this post with some wacky advice of mine. If you've got it, fluant it!

Anti-climatic Orgasm


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