Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Anger leads to hate, hate leads to pain, pain leads to suffering, and suffering leads to more pissed people!!!!

Seriously speaking, Tv is an untouched antique by me now. But when i happened to watch them, i rather hope for a better program than some shit like all the"Super-" or "Super Star" shit, its really rubbish and eye sore for me. 70% of the result from the audience, nice going media corp, helping your fellow singtel/m1/starhub in earning a profit from this kinda rotten, Copied program...

Just look at the messages at the forum in this page:

Trust me, this is a lame one i stumblem upon with a friend, pratically 90% of it is just crap of flaming which i really wondered. The Censor ship is really not active here, no moderator. Best.
I see people flaming away at different streams. This us where hatred brew in the past for all racist war and all racist riots. But sadly, students taking Social studies and History are not understanding this at all. They really think they can get away with this.

Not to mention, a forum is a forum, message/momo board, blog or what ever where you can leave your tags or post at. Can be tracked. Cant any one know about this? Flaming/ double posting and personal assualtsz are the things i hate the most. not to mention when it comes down to personal issues.

Last but not lease, Althougt this post might be crap, but i really feel that people should watch what they say or do online, what you do today might be a tremendous effect on the future. Taken from my favourite, the chaos theyom. What you might be doing now is just shooting people, but in the future, it might even lead to genocides or wars that cannot be resolved.

Lazy Workerholic


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